Our Story

Meet the Founders

Juci Roots was created by Darnell for his wife, Dominique, who always struggled with her hair.

His goal is a simple one; to create clean, natural products that work, so you can love the skin you're in.

Then & Now

From damaged perms to all Natural

In childhood, I struggled with my hair. It was always short, and constantly breaking off. After much trial and error, many setbacks, and education, I was able to attain my hair goals using Darnell's products.


Make mistakes, then try again

Yes, I have gained and lost on this journey. After a hormonal imbalance, I lost my edges. I was pissed! However, I had to roll up my sleeves, and deal with it. I have heat damaged my hair, cut some off by mistake, lost curl pattern, you name it. Just remember to always bounce back.

Focus on Health

Stop, Look, and Listen

At first, my focus was on length. After years of fruitless efforts, I had to embrace my starting point. My hair changed when I began to focus on a healthy foundation. Scalp massages and letting my damaged ends go changed the game for my hair growth. It got thicker, stronger, and longer. Stop, look, asses, and listen to what your hair needs.